3 octombrie 2023

Selectat în volumul colectiv „Light, Glorious Light” publicat de LensWork


Am bucuria ca una dintre fotografiile mele să fi fost selectate în volumul colectiv de anul acesta publicat de editura americană „LensWork”.

„Light, Glorious Light

Announcing the 2023 LensWork Community Book Project

As we’ve done for the last seven years, this book will feature the work of our readers — like you! perhaps you! — printed with the quality you’ve come to expect from us. This promises to be an important and substantial survey of the LensWork community, subscribers as well as non-subscribers.

First, everyone who enters will receive a copy of the finished book later this year — in November 2023.

Entries must celebrate light in some form or another — direct light, natural light, artificial light, sunlight, moon light, spotlight, filtered light. Light need not be the subject, but it must be a visible and important component of the image.

Each photographer who is selected for publication will be limited to one image.”